Linguistics in Language Teaching

This course is intended to be suitable both for people with only minimal grammatical knowledge and for those who have already done quite a bit of syntax but want to know something (more) about Minimalism. It is not historicist or comparative in orientation and does not presuppose knowledge of earlier or alternative models of grammar. It is in an approachable style, avoiding unnecessary complexity and unexplained jargon.

This course contains:

  1. a core text (divided up into ten sections or so) focusing on a specific topic
  2. a summary recapitulating the main points in the chapter
  3. a list of key concepts/principles introduced in the chapter
  4. a bibliographical section providing extensive references to original source material
  5. a workbook section containing two different kinds of exercise
  6. a set of model answers accompanying the exercises, together with extensive helpful hints designed to eliminate common errors students make and to help students whose native language is not English
  7. an extensive glossary and integral list of abbreviations


Andersen, J, (1983). The architecture of cognition. Cambridge, MA.: Harvard.
Bialystok, E. (1988). Psycholinguistic Dimensions of Second Language Proficiency. In W, Rutherford & M. Sharwood-Smith (Eds.), Grammar and second language teaching (pp.31-50)
Brown, K., & Miller, J. (1991). Syntax: A linguistic Introduction to sentence structure. London, UK: Routledge.
Cook, V . (1991). Second language learning and language teaching. London, UK: Edward Arnold.
Halliday, M., Mcintosh, A., & Strevens, P. (1964). The linguistic sciences and language teaching. London, UK: Longman.
Jeffries, L (1998). Meaning in English: An introduction to language study. New York, NY: Palgrave.
Pennington, M. C. (1996). Phonology in English language teaching: An international approach. London, UK: Routledge.
Radford, A. ( 1988). Transformational grammar: A first course. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Sobin, N. (2011). Syntactic analysis: The basics. Oxford, UK: Blackwell University Press.
Widdowson, H. G. (1979). Explorations in applied linguistics. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Widdowson, H. G. (1990). Aspects of language teaching. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Wilkins, D. A. (1972). Linguistics in language teachi11g. London, UK: Edward Arnold.